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Hello Lovelies
Hi, I'm Kali.
Hopeless romantic, dreamer, wife & mom.
I first got into photography professionally after I became a mom. I always had a passion for photography & I think I finally chased my dream later in life because before then, I didn't really believe in myself.
I wasn't always the girl I am now. It took years of healing, growing & finding myself to get where I am today. My mentality on life is different than most, I think. Always finding the positive in every situation. Always seeing the beauty in the things most people find mundane - like cleaning the kitchen or making the kids lunch. There truly is beauty in every moment.

Before pursuing photography full time, I worked in the aerospace industry, XRAYing ginormous, titanium jet engine parts along with some military and NASA parts.
I hated working for someone else in a job that brought me little to no joy.
In 2020, shortly after having our 2nd babe, I took the biggest leap of faith and quit my job.
The unknown was scary, what if I failed?
The thought that I could make my own schedule and be with my babies every day is the sole thing that has given me the drive and determination since day one.

& here we are now.
Not just surviving - but thriving.
I get to meet beautiful people all the time. I get to hang out with you guys and document your stories & journeys in beautiful, artistic ways. I am forever grateful that you trust me with such important moments in your lives. I don't take that lightly.
Y'all aren't just clients to me - you're my friends.
I'm not just a photographer, no. I'm an artist.

Don't quit your daydream
So, moral of the story..
Let's keep it simple
Do we vibe?
Let's chat!

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